The Secret Life of Becky Miller Contest
Today I'm participating in a blog tour of Sharon Hinck's The Secret Life of Becky Miller (Bethany House, June 2006, ISBN: 0764201298).
Sharon was kind enough to send me a review copy of her novel which arrived last week. Unfortunately, I haven't finished it yet, but I'm throughly enjoying the story so far. Read the first chapter here.
Sharon is an incredibly cool person who loves to find adventure in her everyday life. She's rapelled down the outside of a five-story building and has been almost arrested for gang violence while rehearsing for an outdoor production of West Side Story.
So, in honor of Sharon's new book, I'm proposing a contest. Leave a comment relating an adventure from your everyday life and you'll be entered to win a copy of The Secret Life of Becky Miller by Sharon Hinck (Of course, you can leave a comment and not enter too.). Contest open to everyone on the planet (make sure you leave an e-mail address or blog url or some way I can touch base with you if you when or just make sure to come back next Saturday). I'll draw the winner's name from the comments on Saturday, June 10, 2006.
More about the book:
Faster Than a Speeding Minivan, Able to Leap Piles of Laundry in a Single Bound...It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s Supermom!
Becky Miller is a young mom who wants to do Big Things for God. Her vivid daydreams help her cope with the pressure to be a Wonderful Wife and Marvelous Mother. Yet the tape going through her mind continues to play:
Your mission: support your husband when he loses his job, nurture an eccentric circle of friends, raise perfect Christian children, cook delicious meals in a spotless kitchen, lead the women's ministry at church, and live a life filled with Meaning and Purpose.
How does this supermom react when her grand plans start to fall apart? What will it take for her to turn off the tape and listen to God's voice instead?
Remember to post a comment and enter the contest! :-)
I'm not entering the contest since I have a copy of the book already, but I wanted to play anyway. ;-)
First, my adventure would probably be living through a 7.9 earthquake in Guatemala. Either that or getting knocked senseless (I did at least remember my own name but not a lot else) that same year in a bike accident.
Second, about the filing thing. A writer friend of mine got me started putting the sheets of paper with story thought into different colored folders, the ones with the pockets. I love it! Helped me bring some order to all the bits and pieces.
I do my writing on yellow letter-sized pads, but the ideas that come when I'm reading or having my devotions or ... whatever get jotted down on the nearest scrap of paper. Sometimes a sticky note. Sometimes the back of an envelop. Now it all has a place to go!
Becky (the real one) Miller
This is a great book! (Don't enter me for a copy because I already have one--autographed to ME! :)
My adventure: When my husband and I were still dating, I and our friends snuck into his house at 6 a.m. (thanks to our partner-in-crime, his roommate), woke him up and kidnapped him out to eat breakfast in his PJs, robe and slippers! Successful mission, planned by moi.
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